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PRESS RELEASE: Statement Regarding Hateful Vandalism on Intervale Road


We want to commend the New Gloucester Municipal Officers for their strong statement and actions condemning the vandalism and swastikas that were painted on Intervale Rd.  

We condemn the use of this symbol of hate and it has no place in New Gloucester. All men and women are created equal, we all have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We are encouraged to see our community come together to denounce this cowardly act of hate and bigotry.  

Let us use this as a reminder that we are a strong community and even in these times of deep division we can all come together for the good of our home.  God bless us ALL. 


Dec 11, 2022

Glad to see the NG GOP stepping up against discrimination. Maybe next we could discuss the confederate flag at the Memorial Day Parade? It, too, is a symbol of hate, and flying it is an act of bigotry.

Pamela Slye
Pamela Slye
Dec 11, 2022
Replying to

The confederate flag is a part of the history of this country

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