To the good citizens of New Gloucester:
I cannot remember ever writing a letter before an election but I am compelled to do so in light of what has recently taken place and has been written in our beautiful town of New Gloucester. For a number of years, we have witnessed the hate and outright divisiveness that has been taken place around the country when it comes to the discussion of race. We have seen people “woked”, slandered, and outright assaulted verbally and physically. I for one sat back and wondered how we as a society have gotten to such a place while also thinking it couldn’t happen here. I have now watched a creation of some sort of DEI committee where it seems that an agenda of some sort of equity is more important than treating people with respect and equally. There are two candidates who are running for the Select board that are all in on this national agenda. This is proven by the support of what took place during the Memorial day parade to individuals that were part of the parade. The verbal assault and bullying that took place proves that the national movement of hatred has come to New Gloucester where constitutional rights of assembly and free speech are to be set aside because some want to be part of the national movement of non-inclusiveness and hatred. There was a time in New Gloucester that when we had to decide from a list of candidates for the Select board, we made the decision based on the candidate’s position on budget issues. You know, what the job really is. I am hoping you will join me in Support of Tammy Donovan and Brian Shedlarski. These two candidates understand there is no room for some sort of movement of non-inclusiveness. I personally know these two individuals treat all people with respect and will not be part of some sort of movement of divisiveness.
Now onto the school board… We have all seen the news where parents had to protest at their local
boards because of CRT and gender issues. Again I couldn’t imagine that this could be taking place here in New Gloucester. Now I have to wonder. My suspicion is raised by the mere fact that the New Gloucester Exchange has put in a number of articles stating that Republican candidates in Maine are running on this issue. I haven’t heard any of our Republican candidates accusing our school board of allowing this activity but the mere inference of Republican candidates having some sort of agenda makes me think someone is nervous. So I ask - is something taking place with the board's knowledge and endorsement, knowledge of it going on and not saying anything or are these things on the radar for the future. My dad told me as young boy that whenever you hear someone denying or pointing a finger at someone when nothing has been said then there is usually something afoot. I am hoping that you will join me in support of Doreen Libby, Adam Lee, and Christie Barone for School Board. If something has been taken place in our schools or coming our way that is even remotely like I have been seeing around the country, I am going to vote for someone who will listen to parents. Isn’t that part of the job?
Thank you,
Donald Libby
*This is a guest post by Donald Libby. The views expressed are those of Donald Libby, and not endorsed by the New Gloucester GOP. The New Gloucester GOP supports the right of individuals to submit guest blog posts freely, and without censorship. If you are interested in sharing an article, or post please send all submissions to newgloucestergop@gmail.com