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Guest Post: Law Enforcement Appreciation, by Karen Gilles


As a daughter, sister, niece, and friend of law enforcement officers I have seen first hand the sacrifices that are made to protect and serve our communities and other communities alike. The numerous hours of overtime, missed holidays, missed baseball games, not to mention the risk to their lives that they face daily. One thing that I have seen growing up is that the police are celebrated in one moment and villainized the next. This is something I never understood because I saw first hand the sacrifices made and the passion that this profession requires that drive these individuals to show up to work day in and day out. Why am I sharing this?

I often find myself telling people what an awesome town I live in! New Gloucester is a quintessential Maine town. A safe town where children can walk safely to each other’s homes. Many of us take for granted the security of our homes and community. That security is in no small part because of the dedication of our local law enforcement.

In New Gloucester “local law enforcement” means the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office or the Maine State Police. But if you work in Falmouth it’s also the Falmouth Police Department. If you are shopping in Conway NH it’s the Conway Police Department. America is made of local law enforcement regardless of the size of the department! Brave men and women who selflessly put their lives on the line everyday so we can live safely and happily.

It’s time to show our gratitude and support. Simple gestures can go a long way to show these men and women that we value them. These officers are our community members, our family members, our friends and our neighbors. Next time you have the opportunity to interact with a police officer a simple handshake and a thank you would speak volumes. Another idea is to send a card to the local barracks with words of support or leave an encouraging note for that friend or family member who is on the force to tell them you know what they do for you and you love them.

As you are pulling in your yard at night, locking the doors of your home, turning off the lights and getting under the covers in your bed keep this in mind. These men and women are a very large part of that sense of security you feel. It is my sincere hope that the coming generations have the same feelings of security. As citizens of New Gloucester, citizens of Maine and citizens of the United States of America our show of support, respect and love to the men and women of law enforcement is the least we can do for them putting their lives at risk for us everyday.

In closing, I want to personally thank the men and women that serve and protect our community. I have called upon you when I needed you and you were there. When you feel discouraged and tired I will support you. I appreciate all of the sacrifices that you, your brothers and sisters in law enforcement, and families make to afford me the freedoms that I have. Lastly, as a family member of law enforcement please know that I promise you that I will always have your six.


*This is a guest post by Karen Gilles. The views expressed are those of Karen Gilles, and not endorsed by the New Gloucester GOP. The New Gloucester GOP supports the right of individuals to submit guest blog posts freely, and without censorship. If you are interested in sharing an article, or post please send all submissions to

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