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  • newgloucestergop

Fundraiser Update: Spaghetti Supper Benefit Total

At the initial closing of the Spaghetti Dinner Benefit there had been approximately $10,000 raised. Many individuals at the dinner had chosen to give above and beyond the initial $10 donation for the dinner.

Through the hard work of numerous volunteers reaching out to numerous businesses to help put on the dinner, and to ask for neighbors to help the community - we are pleased to announce that the fundraiser has managed to put in $15,002.11 into the First Congregational Church's Emergency Heating Assistance Fund.

We are so grateful that the community has come together to help undoubtedly many neighbors who will need assistance this year for heating needs.

In addition the New Gloucester Republican Committee will be making this an annual fundraiser in the future to help our community with heating needs!

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